Treating Migraine Naturally: Migraine treatment without painkillers

Treating Migraine is difficult but not impossible. Majority of Migraine patients that we see at our headache clinic in Delhi NCR have been on pain killers for years. Pain killers aren’t a permanent solution to Migraine. Every migraine patient at Migraine Upkram clinic in Faridabad has the same story. In initial days of headache, one painkiller would work. It stopped working after some time. Now the headache patient is dependent on a stronger medicine. The dosage of the pain killers keeps increasing. The body is smart enough to learn to rebound the pain mechanism system.

Do natural solutions work for Migraine?

A migraine patient keeps exploring over internet some natural ways to treat headache. The migraine patient has been fed up of popping painkillers. He/she keeps looking for simple hacks to treat migraine. These days a simple hack is doing rounds over social media, to dip legs in warm and cold water. These hacks are just temporary. For a while they may make you feel relaxed but it doesn’t treat you internally.

Applying cold and warm compresses to your head can bring down the headache. Compresses can increase blood circulation, reduce inflammation, slow the pain signals travelling along the nerves. But doing this does not ensure that you will not get a second headache after this. You cannot treat complex headaches with simple remedies. You need ayurvedic medicines for migraine.

What makes Migraine Upkram clinic, the best clinic for headache treatment?

At Migraine Upkram, we treat all sorts of chronic headaches or migraine with ayurvedic treatment. These medicines are natural and completely safe to use. Even chronic migraine patients start responding to the treatment within first three months. The frequency and intensity of the headaches start reducing.

We also keep a track of migraine attacks with a migraine tracker. Migraine tracker is simple to use and patient in an interesting manner can keep a record of headaches. This also in a way helps to identify the triggers. For example, when at our headache clinic, we ask female patients does the headache increase before menstrual cycle, they find it difficult to recall. If they had marked the days of headache on the tracker, we can see if it coincides with menstrual cycle.

A detailed Prakriti analysis is done of the patient with migraine. One size does not fit all is our approach. For example, there are cases when patient has sinus headaches. Sinusitis and migraine go hand in hand. If the prakriti is Kapha in this case of the patient, we need to give Kapha balancing medicines like Sitopladi, Tribhuvan Kirti ras, laxmi vilas ras, pippali, marich, sonth etc. If the prakriti of patient is Pitta, and headaches are due to increased Pitta, a different treatment protocol is decided. Here we use Pitta reducing medicines like Brahmi, Shatavari, Praval pishti.  

Should you be dependent on pain killers for migraine treatment?

The answer is a big No

Pain killers just mute the notification of pain flowing in your body. It does not stop pain during attack. You just are not aware of the pain. Once the effect of painkillers starts to wean off, headaches are back. May be now the headaches are more intense and do not respond to the same pain killer.

If you are a Migraine patient, you are told by your doctor that there is no treatment to it. You just have to carry a painkiller in your bag. Each time you get a headache, you take out that pill and gulp down the throat. Painkillers are notorious for causing ulcers, liver injury and kidney injury. What should you do to get out of the headache then. If you are a migraine patient, do not hesitate to approach a doctor of our team. We have been successfully treating migraine patients with ayurvedic treatment.

Painkillers is an occasional treatment for migraine. They can cause rebound headaches. Painkillers can make migraine worse. You should know that painkillers are not treating migraine if your headache is back after the effect of medicine weans off. If your headache is occurring every single day, it is because of the pain killers. You also can get trouble concentrating if you are taking too many painkillers. They can have a bad effect on the memory as well.

Is the treatment safe used at Migraine Upkram clinic-a clinic for treatment of Migraine?

The medicines that we use at Migraine Upkram for treating chronic vascular headache, tension headache, stress headache, are completely safe. Natural herbs like Shatavari, Brahmi, Vasa, Yashtimadhu are used for the treatment of chronic headaches. These medicines not only balance all doshas in the body but also take care of prevention of headaches.

Treating migraine becomes difficult because at all headache clinics, they target pain management. The migraine attacks are been treated at headache clinics. But no one talks about prevention of headaches. The more amount of pain killers you take, the more intense the next headache gets. So, there should be natural, herbal, safe treatment for migraine. This is the only way you can prevent headaches without the side effects of pain killers.


If you are having a migraine attack, you can get a massage done, sleep, hot foot bath but ultimately don’t learn to live with it. Instead of looking for natural solutions for pain, try to treat it with ayurvedic treatment at Migraine upkram for Migraine.

Are Migraine and cervical pain related?

A 40-year lady was experiencing severe neck pain from past few years. She has been treated for cervical spondylosis. She underwent multiple physiotherapy sessions. Many muscle relaxants were already prescribed to her. Still the pain would not go. They approached our centre Migraine Upkram because she would often complain of headaches as well. She underwent the treatment for Migraine here and the neck pain even resolved.

There are many such cases where the patient presents with headache and neck pain. Headache with neck stiffness is also very commonly encountered in practice. Many patients have been misdiagnosed for cervical pain but the actual cause is Migraine.

How are Migraine and neck pain related?

Many recent studies show that individuals who deal with migraine also deal with neck pain. In some cases, it is the headache that triggers neck pain. In some cases, migraine starts with neck stiffness or debilitating pain. The pain than travels to the head and causes migraine attack. The neck and head are closely connected. It is not necessary that every individual with migraine experiences neck pain and vice versa.

There are reasons why migraine with neck pain may be affecting an individual:

Poor posture: We see today many people children and youngsters just slouch on the couch and watch TV. While sleeping in the bed, they wrongly carry the phone and scroll. The neck muscles cannot take this tension and can give rise to neck pain. This pain can radiate to the head and give rise to migraine.

Muscle tension: Neck pain can be due to muscle tension, and it can cause Migraine. Muscle tension in neck can be a potent trigger of migraine. If migraine episode is already being experienced by an individual, neck muscle tension can make migraine headache even worse.

Neck related symptoms in Migraine

When at our centre we ask symptoms of Migraine, nausea is not very common but neck pain is. If you have following symptoms with headache, then you are probably a patient of Migraine and not Cervical spondylosis

Pain over eyes

Pain or heaviness over head

Stiffness of the neck

Tightness of the neck

Pain on movement of the neck

Pain travelling from neck to the head

Headache worsens if you apply pressure

Can Panchakarma help in Migraine with neck pain?

Panchkarma can definitely help in Migraine with neck pain. There are many therapies which can cure neck pain with migraine. If you are suffering from Migraine and neck pain, approach a good Ayurvedic clinic near you.

Shirodhara: Shirodhara has become a buzz word. Many people approach an Ayurvedic centre to get Shirodhara done. But, what oil has to be taken, which medicines have to be used is important. So you should reach a good Ayurvedic doctor for Migraine. Shirodhara helps in calming down the nervous system. It also releases tension in head and neck. Neck massage is given post Shirodhara at our Migraine centre in Faridabad.

Abhyang: Massage with oils like Chandan Bala, Ashwagandha Bala, Dhanvantaram oil is a good therapy to release muscle spasms for the neck. Once the stiffness is released, migraines can be prevented

Nasya: Nasya for Migraine and neck pain is an important therapy that needs to be done. At our migraine clinic in Faridabad, we do Nasya with oils like Bala tail which not only works wonders in prevention of migraine but strengthens the muscles of the neck.


This therapy entails pouring warm oil on the affected part. Warm medicated oil like Mahanarayan tail is poured over the neck and simultaneously massage is done. This releases muscle tension from the neck.

Greeva Basti:

In this procedure, warm oil is placed over the neck inside a dough ring. It provides deep relief in neck pain and neck stiffness. It strengthens the muscles and nerves of the neck thereby preventing headaches.


Migraine with neck pain is difficult to treat with oral medicines. But at our Ayurvedic clinic for Migraine in Faridabad, we treat with a mix of oral Ayurvedic medicines and Panchkarma treatment. Diet and lifestyle modifications are also suggested to Migraine patients. Migraine patients treated at our Migraine clinic in Delhi-NCR do not get headaches even after the treatment is over.




Are Sinus Headache and Migraine Linked?

sinus headache

Sinus headache and migraine both are common types of headaches that affects millions of people across the world. It is extremely common for one to be mistaken for other. If it is not properly diagnosed, medicines can worsen the situation. There are studies that show that 90% of people who are diagnosed and treated for sinus headaches are experiencing migraine headaches.

However, it’s possible for sinus issues to trigger or exacerbate migraine attacks in some individuals. Here’s how they may be linked:

What is the Connection between Sinusitis and Migraine Headache?

1. Sinus can Trigger Migraine: Identifying if it is a sinus headache or migraine is a challenging task both for the patient and the doctor. Their symptoms are overlapping in many cases. It is also seen that sinusitis can trigger migraine in some people. The congestion due to sinusitis in head may affect the blood flow to the brain which can trigger headache in a patient of migraine. Filled sinuses in the brain can trigger trigeminal nerve which can give rise to migraines and even bad headaches.

2. Misdiagnosis: Sometimes, migraines can be misdiagnosed as sinus headaches, especially if the individual primarily experiences facial pain and pressure without the typical symptoms of a migraine (such as nausea or sensitivity to light and sound). It is true that sinus migraine is often an overlooked diagnosis if we talk of acute and chronic headaches. At Migraine Upkram, one of the best headache clinics in India, we have seen many patients who had sinusitis and migraine. These patients for years were on medicines for migraine but actually it was sinus that was creating and triggering the pain, when medications for sinus migraine were given, their pain intensity came down to 4 from 10.

3. Co-occurrence: It’s also possible for individuals to experience both sinus issues and migraines independently. In such cases, treating sinus symptoms may help alleviate some discomfort but may not necessarily prevent migraine attacks.

There are subtle differences in the symptoms of sinus headache and migraine headache. It’s important to differentiate between them because the treatments for each can differ significantly. Below are listed some signs of a sinus headache and migraine, but it is always advisable to consult the best ayurvedic doctor near you for migraine.

Signs of a Sinus Headache

Sinus headaches are typically associated with inflammation or congestion in the sinuses, which are hollow air-filled spaces in the skull. This inflammation can result from conditions such as sinusitis (sinus infection), allergies, or nasal congestion.

  • Feeling of heaviness over forehead and nose
  • The pain usually worsens while bending down or looking down
  • Facial pain
  • Stuffy nose
  • Nose blockage
  • Recurrent sneezing
  • Recurrent allergies during change of season
  • The pain worsens if head or forehead is pressed
  • The symptoms will last for days to weeks

Signs of a Migraine

Migraine is a neurological condition which is accompanied by many symptoms other than throbbing headache. Triggers for migraines can include stress, hormonal changes, certain foods or drinks, sleep disturbances, and environmental factors.

1. Blurred vision
2. Nausea
3. Vomiting
4. Change in speech
5. Pain over neck
6. Stiffness of neck
7. The symptoms will last from hours to days

Can Migraine with Sinusitis be Treated?

Yes, it is complex to treat migraine and sinusitis in the same patient as both involve complex pathways in the head. It is completely curable with Ayurvedic treatment just the choice of ayurvedic medicines has to be made cautiously otherwise one can worsen the other. With Ayurvedic medicines like Sitopladi churna, Godanti Bhasma, Yashtimadhu, Tankan Bhasma, sinus and migraine can be treated simultaneously in the same person. There are many patients at our migraine clinic who have been on multiple rounds of antibiotics for sinusitis and even underwent surgery still symptoms persisted. So, if you have sinus and migraine headache, it is better to reach out to the best ayurvedic doctor for migraine in Delhi NCR.

Shirodhara Treatment for Migraine: A Natural Way to Cure Migraine Permanently

According to International Headache society, 46% of people worldwide have an active headache disorder which demands a safe and secure treatment. There are innumerable analgesics or pain killers available in the market if you have headache but no treatments are researched upon to prevent the headache. Ayurveda has existed for more than 5000 years and it continues to still exist which itself says that the science that manages to prevent the disease is only Ayurveda.

What is Shirodhara in Ayurveda?

Shirodhara is made up of two words, ‘Shiro’ which means head and ‘Dhara’ which means a flow or stream. In Ayurveda, Shirodhara is a therapeutic procedure wherein a continuous stream of warm medicated oil, milk or buttermilk is poured over the forehead rhythmically. It is the best ayurvedic treatment for Migraine or headache. The continuous flow of medicated oil over the forehead stimulates the third eye centre. Behind the third eye of middle of the forehead, lies pineal gland. Pineal gland is responsible for secreting serotonin and melatonin which are happy hormones. The stream pouring over forehead stimulates the pineal gland and more hormones are secreted. This makes Shirodhara a prime treatment for anxiety, stress, depression, Insomnia.

Shirodhara Treatment for Migraine

Which Medicines are Used in Shirodhara?

The medicine used in Shirodhara depends on Prakriti (constitution) of an individual and aggravated Doshas. It can pacify Vatta and Pitta balance very easily. For Migraine patients, following forms of Shirodhara are commonly used at our Migraine clinic in Faridabad.

1. Taila Dhara: This is the most common and most effective type of Shirodhara used when it comes to treatment of chronic headaches. Here a warm medicated oil like Chanda Bala, Bala Ashwagandha is poured onto the forehead. It balances Vatta and Pitta which are two commonly aggravated doshas in vascular headaches. This treatment also brings relaxation to the mind and reduces stress.

2. Ksheera Dhara: This type of Shirodhara involves the use of warm medicated milk instead of oil. Various herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari are prepared in milk and used for Dhara. This gives strength to the nerves and reduces stress induced headaches.

3. Takra Dhara: This type of Shirodhara involves the use of medicated buttermilk instead of oil. Takra Dhara is believed to be particular effective for promoting relaxation

4. Kwatha Dhara: This involves the use of herbal decoctions as the liquid is poured onto the forehead. It is also used in Vatik Shirashool or many types of headaches.

Benefits of Shirodhara

Shirodhara stimulates and massages the pineal gland. It causes a tingling sensation on the forehead that moves down the neck and upper spine. All types of psychological and mental disorders can benefit from Shirodhara.

1. Reduces Stress and Anxiety: The warmth of the oil and gentle pressure of oil calms the nervous system and promotes relaxation.

2. Promotes Better Sleep: Shirodhara increases the secretion of melatonin which is a sleep hormone

3. Relieves Headaches and Migraines: The calming and soothing effect of Shirodhara is the most effective way to relieve the intense headache

4. Balances Hormones: The endocrine system is controlled by Pituitary gland located in brain hence with shirodhara over head stimulates the gland and ensures its proper functioning. This balances the hormones in the body which can be a cause of severe headaches.

5. Improves Hair and Scalp Health: With Shirodhara, the blood circulation improves and so the hair roots also become strong.

Are there any Studies which State that Shirodhara can Treat Migraine?

There are many research papers in international journals, controlled studies, case studies which have time and again studied the effectiveness of Shirodhara in treating headaches, sleeplessness, anxiety and stress. There are studies that have evaluated the psychological and physiological effects of Shirodhara by monitoring the rating of mood and levels of stress, ECG, EEG and selected biochemical markers of stress. The results have been very positive in these studies.

Acharya Charaka has mentioned that Manah Santap which means stress is the primary cause of head disorders especially the headaches. Shirodhara is the best treatment for stress headaches, tension headaches, migraine, vascular headache, trigeminal neuralgia. The pain of Migraine is not only debilitating but it can keep increasing if not treated. So, Shirodhara turns out be a non-invasive procedure in treating head disorders. There is lot that goes into deciding the best medicine for Shirodhara by a qualified Ayurveda practitioner. You should always get it done after consultation with a best ayurvedic doctor near you.

Can Migraine be Cured Permanently?

Migraine is a common type of headache that cause intense throbbing or pulsating pain not necessarily on one side of the head. Migraine attacks are very painful and they may be accompanied with nausea, vomiting along with severe headache. Majority of migraine patients complain of extreme sensitivity to light and sound.

At Migraine Upkram, a headache clinic in Faridabad, each patient we see has been enduring pain for years and learnt to take a pain killer whenever the episode arises. All patients have been told by their doctors that Migraine cannot be cured permanently and it can only be managed which is not true. Migraine can be cured permanently at Migraine Upkram where Ayurvedic medicines are used to treat it. The best ayurvedic medicines for migraine based on Prakriti of a patient are used here and the episodes of headaches are tracked. It is seen that 90% of migraine patients get cured of headaches within first 6 months of the treatment. Remaining 10% may take longer but the intensity and frequency of pain certainly comes down.

cure migraine permanently

Should you take Painkillers for Migraine?

Painkillers just mute the notifications of pain to your body. Every migraine patient that we treat at Migraine Upkram has the same story. Earlier, a painkiller used to work but now I need a different painkiller. After some time, this also stops working. This happens due to tolerance and dependence of pain killers. Long-term use of opioids can lead to tolerance, meaning higher doses are needed to achieve the same pain-relieving effect, as well as physical dependence, where the body becomes reliant on the drug to function normally.

Side Effects of Pain Killers

Migraine cannot be treated with painkillers alone. Painkillers do relieve the pain but then they have many side effects of their own. No pain killer is safe for the body. The specific side effects can vary depending on the type of painkiller and frequency of its use.

Some common side effects of painkillers are listed below:

1. Gastric issue: Many painkillers like Ibuprofen, Naprosyn widely used for migraine irritate the lining of the stomach. It can give rise to symptoms like indigestion, burning, bloating, even ulcers or bleeding in the stomach. The more you take painkillers, the more you will experience migraine episodes.

Painkillers for Migraine

2. Constipation: Many migraine patients are prescribed medicines like ultracet that can cause constipation. Constipation is one common trigger of migraine episode. So, for the time being your pain will come down on taking this kind of pain killer, but next episode will not be very far.

3. Kidney Problems: Long-term use of NSAIDs (painkillers) can impair kidney function, leading to fluid retention, high blood pressure, and kidney damage.

4. Heart Problems: NSAIDs (painkillers) may increase the risk of heart attack or stroke, especially in people with heart disease or risk factors for heart disease.

5. Drowsiness: Many pain medications for migraine cause drowsiness or sleepiness. If the adequate sleep is not met then, it will increase the episodes of migraine again as lack of sleep triggers migraine.

How can you Cure Migraine Permanently?

Migraine can be cured permanently with Ayurvedic treatment and Panchkarma therapies. Ayurvedic medicines work on the root cause of headaches. If you are a migraine patient, you know that what triggers your headache may not trigger other’s headache. Some migraine patients are extremely sensitive towards smell, fragrances whereas other people may not get headaches on exposure to particular smells. It may be bright lights for other migraine patients that invite migraine attack. This is because every person has a different Prakriti and Vikriti. The aggravated dosha in the body is different so each migraine patient needs a personalized unique approach of treatment.

Herbs like Brahmi, Ashwagandha, Shankpushpi, Shatavari, Triphala are used based on Prakriti and dosha analysis of migraine patient. It is important to consult a good Ayurvedic doctor for migraine treatment. Panchkarma therapies like Shirodhara and Nasya can not only alleviate migraine symptoms but can cure migraine permanently. Nasya involves the administration of herbal oils or powders into the nostrils to clear the nasal passages and promote the flow of prana (life force energy). Nasya may help relieve congestion and alleviate migraine symptoms associated with sinusitis or nasal congestion. Shirodhara is a therapeutic technique that involves pouring a continuous stream of warm oil over the forehead. It induces deep relaxation, calms the mind, and may help alleviate migraine pain and associated symptoms.

Migraine can be easily and permanently cured if Ayurvedic treatment is given at initial stages. For chronic cases too it can be treated with diet and lifestyle modification and the medicines. Our motto that “Migraine can be treated the day you want to” makes our treatment plan the best treatment for migraine in India.

A Comprehensive Guide To Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Migraine

Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Migraine

Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine from India, offers holistic approaches to managing health conditions, including migraines.

Ayurveda is slowly emerging as a very safe and effective way to treating chronic headaches or Migraines.

It’s important to note that individual responses to treatments can vary, and consulting with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner is recommended for personalized advice.

At Migraine Upkram, we have successfully treated Migraine with Ayurvedic medicines and Panchkarma procedures.

There have been patients who have been on Ayurvedic treatment before approaching us. But even after long treatment, their headaches did not get treated.

Understanding one’s Prakriti is very important before preparing a line of treatment.

We not only analyse the Prakriti of patient but understand what triggers their headaches.

Choosing the Right Treatment for Migraine

Based on the triggers a treatment plan is chosen. For example, Ashwagandha is a good drug of choice but if the Prakriti and triggers are pointing towards aggravated Pitta in the body of the patient, Ashwagandha is a bad choice. Instead, Yashtimadhu should be used here this is what makes us different other doctors treating Migraine. Some patients may complain of headaches getting increased after Nasya while in some Nasya works wonders in treating Migraine. Proper planning of treatment is the key behind best treatment for Migraine. This helps us offer best treatment for migraine in India.

Remedies for Managing Migraines

1. Dietary Changes:

  • Avoid processed food, cheese, caffeine, packet foods, chocolates
  • Emphasize diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, home-made food, lean proteins
  • Stay well hydrated but avoid excessive consumption of cold drinks

2. Lifestyle Modifications:

  • Establish a daily regular routine including consistent sleep patterns
  • Manage stress through practices like Yoga and Meditation
  • Ensure proper ventilation in your living and work spaces
  • Avoid LED lights in the house or working space

3. Herbal Drugs:

Ayurveda is known for its vast range of herbal medicines. Depending upon one’s Prakriti, medicines have to be chosen. Some medicines that are used in treatment of Migraine are:

  • Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri): It is a wonderful drug to reduce stress and improve cognitive function
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): It is again a drug to cope up with stress, anxiety and Insomnia. Stress is one major trigger of Migraine
  • Jatamansi (Nordostachys jatamansi): It is a good drug for improving brain health and stress.
  • Shatavari: Shatavari can help in migraines which are related to hormonal imbalances
  • Triphala: Triphala is a simple drug but it is very good for digestion and mild constipation. 70% of Migraines are gastric headaches. So, if this is taken care of, many episodes of migraine can be avoided.

Panchkarma Treatment for Migraine

Panchkarma procedures are not for everyone. Before a patient is put on complex panchkarma procedures, a deep analysis and examination is done. At our centre, we have a dedicated space for Panchkarma. There are many procedures which help in curing Migraine like:

  • Shirodhara
  • Nasya
  • Basti
  • Virechan
  • Shirolepam
  • Shirobasti

Choosing a right procedure for an individual is very important otherwise it can yield complications too.


When it comes to Migraine, identifying the underlying cause is very important and it can be done by a experienced and qualified practitioner. Usually, doctors do not listen to the patients they keep writing painkillers for headaches. The patient then stops going to the doctor and learns to live with the headache. Whenever there is a migraine attack, he goes to the nearby chemist shop and gets a painkiller. This should not be the fate of anyone suffering from Migraine. Treatment is possible at our centre. We aim to bringing an end to disturbing headaches for lifetime and be the best migraine centre in India.

Chronic Headaches in Children and Adolescents: Diagnosis and Treatment

Chronic Headaches in Children and Adolescents

Headaches in children and adolescents can be very challenging. Not only this it can badly affect the quality of their life. Headaches in children should never be ignored. There can be major causes of headaches in children. Proper medical investigation needs to be done for such children. Headaches in children can present in various forms:

1. Migraines:

It is sad that in our country people are still not ready to believe that a child can have migraines. The fact is in majority of the cases migraine hits when you are in school or college. All chronic migraine patients when asked since how long they have been suffering from migraine, they reply that they were in school. This is the age when lot of changes are going in the body and it can manifest in the form of headaches. If headaches are ignored at this age, the intensity and frequency keep increasing and pain killers too stop working now.

2. Tension Type Headache:

This is again a common type of headache in children. It can result from stress, anxiety, poor posture. It presents in the form of dull persistent pain on both sides of the head. Children today do not take care of their posture while reading, watching TV or phone. This gives rise to tension in the muscles and majority of them experience neck pain and stiffness too.

3. Sinus Headaches:

Inflammation of the sinuses can cause headaches. But symptoms of such a headache overlap with that of Migraine. It is difficult to make out how sinus headache is different from Migraine. If it is a sinus headache, such a child will recurrently fall ill. He/she may experience a blocked nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, runny nose etc on and off. Radiological investigations suggested by a doctor can give a true picture of the sinuses.

4. Cluster Headaches:

This is a debilitating form of headache where the patient experience burning pain over head as if the head is ripping in two parts. This type of headache is less common in children though. They are more seen in adolescent age group. This pain is stabbing in nature and it usually starts behind the eye. Cluster headaches happen in cycles. They may last for months and then disappear for years. The patient thinks that it is gone but one day it shows its face again.

5. Mental Health Factors:

Children today are much stressed out than anybody else because of fast pacing world. They are overburdened with work and expectations. Stress, anxiety and depression can contribute to headaches in children and adolescents. This should not be ignored. It is essential to consider child’s emotional well being and it should be evaluated.

6. Medication Overuse:

If a child has headache and he/she keeps on taking painkillers more often, they can experience rebound headaches. Painkillers for headaches are a no answer to it and they should be completely avoided.

7. Lack of Sleep:

Lack of sleep or inadequate sleep is a principal reason for headaches in children. They tend to sleep late and get up early due to school hours. If they do not have a proper sleep of 7-8 hours, very likely they will start experiencing headaches.

8. Skipping Meals:

Children In a hurry to rush to school or college, skip breakfast and so do they during school time. This can give rise to hypersecretion of acid and the child can get gastric headaches.

What should you do if your Child Complains of Headache?

Once or twice in a month headache is not alarming and if it gets resolved with simple home remedies. But yes, if headaches keep increasing, the intensity of pain keeps rising than you should wait and think what if this is Migraine.

The first thing to do is get an eye check-up for your child. If vision is ok then you can start noticing at what time of day your child usually complains of headache. Usually, children once they return from school complain of headache. They must have had sport class in school, they must have played out in sunlight which increase Vayu in the body. We have had many children with migraine who were into sports and after their activity be it running, be archery, be playing badminton their headache would increase. So, this is a thing to mark so that if you go to an Ayurveda consultant you can point it out. Best treatment for migraine headaches is when you touch the root cause of the disease.

The next important thing to take care many children commute to school by bus, van and that too empty stomach. This can give headaches so it should be avoided.

One more simple thing to take care: Do not wake up the child from deep sleep.

We had a 15-year-old badminton player girl who was getting trained in Hyderabad academy. She visited me with history of bad headaches from the past 2 months. When we spoke to the parents about her lifestyle, we could make out that every evening her mother would wake her up from a deep nap and she would be back in the academy for practice just 15 minutes after waking up from deep slumber. So, this can give rise to headache when happening on a daily basis. Migraine patients say that if they are sleeping and a door bell suddenly rings then headache is bound to hover them.

What should be your Approach if a Child Complains of Headache?

If a child or adolescent is experiencing chronic headaches, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional. The evaluation may include a thorough medical history, physical examination, and possibly imaging studies. Keeping a headache diary that includes information about the frequency, intensity, and potential triggers can be helpful.

Treatment approaches may include lifestyle modifications, stress management, identifying and avoiding triggers, medication and addressing any underlying medical or psychological issues. People are now exploring Ayurvedic treatment for Migraine but there are no dedicated centres for it. This is what makes us different. We have best doctor for headache who takes time in digging out the entire history of the patient.

Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Headaches

The treatment of migraines in children involves a combination of lifestyle modifications, acute treatment for relief during an attack, and preventive measures to reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. It’s important for parents to work closely with healthcare professionals to develop an appropriate treatment plan for their child.

Ensure that your child gets an adequate amount of sleep

Ensure that your child eats regular and balanced meals

1. Identify Triggers:

Help your child identify and avoid potential migraine triggers, common triggers are certain foods, stress, lack of sleep, bright lights, loud noises

2. Prevention of Migraine Attacks:

People generally believe that migraines cannot be prevented. Whenever there is an attack, you have to pop up a painkiller. But ayurvedic medicines are effective in preventing the migraine attacks. In initial stages of migraine, it is easy to treat whereas chronic headaches treatment takes more time. So, headaches should not be sidelined and should be paid attention to in detail.

We have treated good number of children and adolescents with headaches. As young as 7-year-old boy with vascular headache has been successfully treated with Ayurveda medicines. The pain over head is so severe and intense that the child slowly and gradually tries to shun away from various activities. Because of severe headaches, there are children are not able to go to school. These headaches should not be ignored. No amount of pain killers is going to decrease the number of episodes of migraine. With Ayurvedic medicines like Brahmi, Yashtimadhu, Godanti Bhasma, Shankhpushpi, Ashwagandha, we have cured difficult migraines. This is why it is considered best treatment for Migraine.

It’s crucial for parents to communicate openly with the treating doctor of our team and follow their guidance for managing migraines. Regular follow-up appointments may be necessary to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment plan and make adjustments as needed.

The thing is proper evaluation of the child has to be done which is done by the experienced doctors here. If a child’s migraines are severe, persistent, or significantly impacting their quality of life, time to get it treated at Migraine Upkram.

How to Manage Migraine During Pregnancy?

Handling migraines during pregnancy is not at all easy. The already not so easy journey becomes more difficult if you are experiencing bad headaches during pregnancy. Best treatment for Migraine is a combination of lifestyle adjustments, identifying triggers, and consulting with an expert who has been handling Migraines with ease. Here are some tips on how to manage migraine during pregnancy:

Avoid Triggers of Migraine

Every migraine patient generally knows that what worsens his/her headache. For example, being empty stomach, having inadequate sleep, loud music, travelling, being out in sunlight are some of the known potent triggers. You should completely refrain yourself from these triggers if you are pregnant or are trying to conceive.

Best doctor for migraine treatment is the one who not only gives you medicines but also advises to stay away from the possible triggers of migraine. At our centre, we usually have a detailed consultation with the patient. It is just not the frequency and intensity of pain that is being questioned and discussed but what could be the possible triggers of your headaches is being discussed with the doctor. You are then advised to refrain from those triggers.

Being wakened up from a deep sleep can also trigger headaches in Migraine patients. So, you should not use loud alarm clocks and avoid sleeping next to a person who keeps snoozing his/her alarm over and again. Small things can make big differences. Start incorporating these things from today itself.

Migraine Medicines for Pregnancy

Managing migraines during pregnancy can be very difficult because the painkillers and other medicines for migraine are not safe for pregnant women. There are certain migraine medicine for pregnancy that an Ayurveda physician can use like Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Avipattikar churna etc. which are generally safe to use. Generally, people perceive that you are given many Ayurvedic medicines for migraine but it is not so. Doctor at our clinic gives very few medicines for chronic headache and this is why patients believe she is the best doctor for Migraine treatment.

Shirodhara for Migraines

If you are pregnant and having hard time with headaches then shirodhara, one of the procedures of Panchkarma is for you. This is the best treatment for Migraine if you cannot have oral medicines. The choice of oral medicines gets limited during pregnancy for an Ayurveda practitioner. But Shirodhara being an external treatment is a good option.

Moreover, it is a very relaxing therapy. A stream of warm medicated oil is poured over the centre of the forehead behind which lies the pineal gland in the brain. It releases happy hormones in the body. The continuous warm oil being poured over third eye releases the tension in the head. It is an effective treatment for Tension headaches or stress headaches. The patients at our centre start snoring on Shirodhara table which means it is this quick acting.

During pregnancy, you are bound to get mood swings so Shirodhara is again very beneficial in uplifting the mood and easing your headaches. Majority of Migraine patients say that their headaches come down if somebody does a head massage to them. Shirodhara brings similar relief and much more. After the dhara is over, a good head massage is done and the stiffness of neck is released.

Migraine also starts from neck area and creates stiffness of the neck. There are various Ayurvedic oils used for Shirodhara like Mahanarayan, Brahmi, Chandan Bala, Dhanvantaram depening upon Prakriti of the patient and severity of the disease. Given its benefits, you definitely should get Shirodhara done at best ayurvedic clinic near you.

How to Handle Nausea with Migraine During Pregnancy?

As if pregnancy was not enough to make you pukish and nauseous all the time, Migraines simply add to the woes. Now, you are struggling hard to find out what is giving more nausea or vomiting sensation to you: Migraine or Pregnancy. Whatever it be, we always have the best cure for headaches.

Whenever you feel like vomiting, chew a small cardamom. Keep it in your mouth for a while and it will absorb the excess saliva and take it down the throat. This will ease your nausea. You can chew some fennel seeds. Roast them in a hot pan and crush it to coarse powder. After each meal, make a habit of putting them in the mouth. This will also aid your digestion and considerably reduce vomiting sensation. These simple home remedies can ease nausea but if you are give migraine medicine for pregnancy, it will bring it down to a greater extent.

Migraine after Delivery (Post Partum Migraines)

Some women are blessed to be relieved of headaches when they are pregnant but are bound to experience worst headaches of their lives post their delivery. These headaches are again difficult to manage because if you are breastfeeding your baby, the choice of drugs become limited. You should avoid taking pain killers during this period. The prolactin hormone increases in the body following baby birth and this hormone is also responsible for giving terrible headaches. This hormone cannot be brought down with the medicines but there are certain Ayurvedic medicines for migraine after delivery which can be given to new Moms for treating their headaches.

New moms experience sleepless nights which again is a bad trigger for Migraine. The baby keeps you awake all the night, so fatigue and tiredness also start embracing you. This can also give Migraine attacks. The constant crying of the baby can be a potent trigger of making things worse. So, if you want to enjoy your new motherhood without headaches, get in touch with our centre. We have treated good number of breastfeeding mothers with diet and lifestyle modification.

Things to Take Care if you are a Migraine Patient and Planning to Conceive

If you know, you already are a Migraine patient and you are planning to conceive, then the first thing is to get your Migraine treated. Yes, Migraine is curable and treatable with Ayurvedic medicines at our centre. If you just make a habit of taking painkillers each time you have headache, you will repent during pregnancy and breastfeeding because your doctor is going to stop these medicines once you are pregnant as they are not at all safe and you are left with no option but to handle headaches on your own. We had a patient of Migraine who got her foetus aborted because her migraines worsened during pregnancy. It is never too late as all chronic migraines or chronic headaches can be treated, the day you want to.

Navigating Migraine Treatment: How to Find the Right Specialist

Migraine is a complex and debilitating neurological condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by recurrent, severe headaches often accompanied by other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Chronic migraine, in particular, can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. Finding the right specialist for migraine treatment is crucial for effectively managing this condition. In this article, we will explore the various options available to individuals seeking the best treatment for their migraine headaches, including holistic approaches like Ayurvedic treatment.

Understanding Migraine

Before delving into the search for the right specialist, it’s essential to understand migraine and its nuances. Migraine is not merely a headache; it is a neurological disorder with a wide range of symptoms. Some of the common symptoms include:

Intense Headache: This is the hallmark symptom of migraine. It often occurs on one side of the head and can last from a few hours to several days.

Aura: Some individuals experience an “aura” before or during a migraine attack, which can manifest as visual disturbances, such as flashing lights or blind spots.

Nausea and Vomiting: Migraines are often accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms, making it challenging to keep food down during an attack.

Sensitivity to Light and Sound: Bright lights and loud noises can exacerbate migraine symptoms, leading to extreme discomfort.

Fatigue and Weakness: Migraine attacks can leave individuals feeling exhausted and physically weak, sometimes for days afterward.

Depression and Anxiety: Chronic migraine can take a toll on a person’s mental health, leading to depression and anxiety.

Holistic Approaches: Ayurvedic Treatment

While conventional medical specialists are the go-to option for many, some individuals explore alternative approaches to migraine treatment. Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine from India, offers holistic and natural methods for managing migraines. Ayurvedic treatment for migraines is gaining popularity, and here’s why:

1. Holistic Approach

Ayurveda takes a holistic approach to health, considering the mind, body, and spirit as interconnected. It focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of health issues, including migraines. Ayurvedic practitioners create personalized treatment plans based on an individual’s unique constitution (dosha) and specific imbalances.

2. Herbal Remedies

Ayurvedic treatment for migraines often involves the use of herbal remedies. These remedies aim to balance the doshas and reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks. Common Ayurvedic herbs used for migraine treatment include Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Shatavari, ashwagandha, Dashmool etc.

3. Diet and Lifestyle Modifications

Ayurveda places a strong emphasis on diet and lifestyle as key factors influencing health. Ayurvedic practitioners may recommend dietary changes, such as avoiding trigger foods, and lifestyle modifications, including stress-reduction techniques like yoga and meditation.

4. Panchakarma Therapy

Panchakarma is a detoxification and rejuvenation therapy in Ayurveda. While not specific to migraine treatment, some individuals with chronic migraines find relief through Panchakarma, as it can help remove accumulated toxins from the body.

Finding the Right Specialist

Whether you choose to pursue conventional medical treatment or explore Ayurvedic options, finding the right specialist is crucial. Here are some tips to help you in your search:

1. Seek Recommendations

Start by asking for recommendations from your primary care physician, friends, family members, or online support groups for migraine sufferers. Personal referrals can provide valuable insights into the expertise and bedside manner of potential specialists.

2. Communication and Comfort

Effective communication is essential in healthcare. Schedule an initial consultation with the specialist to gauge their willingness to listen, answer your questions, and involve you in the treatment decision-making process. Feeling comfortable with your specialist is crucial for building trust.

3. Treatment Approach

Discuss the treatment approach with the specialist. Understand their philosophy and the treatments they recommend. If you are considering Ayurvedic treatment, consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner who can explain their approach and expected outcomes.

4. Patient Reviews

Look for online reviews and testimonials from other migraine patients who have been treated by the specialist you are considering. While individual experiences can vary, reviews can offer valuable insights into the specialist’s reputation.


Migraine is a challenging condition that requires careful management. Finding the right specialist for your migraine treatment is a crucial step in achieving relief and improving your quality of life. Whether you opt for conventional medical treatment or explore alternative approaches like Ayurveda, thorough research, recommendations, and open communication with potential specialists are key to your journey towards effective migraine management. Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and what works best for you may require some trial and error. With patience and persistence, you can find the right path to managing your migraine headaches and regaining control over your life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is Migraine completely curable?

Yes Migraine is completely curable with Ayurveda because it doesn’t work on your symptoms rather it focuses on balancing the doshas thereby avoiding the episodes of headaches.

2. When should I see an Ayurveda doctor for my migraines?

If your headaches are severe, frequent, or not responding to over-the-counter medications. It’s also essential to consult a doctor if your migraines are accompanied by neurological symptoms, such as visual disturbances or difficulty speaking.

3. Do Panchakarma therapies like Shirodhara help in Migraine?

Shirodhara is a therapy where a medicated oil is poured in the form of a stream over your forehead. Pineal gland lies in this axis and it gets stimulated as a result happy hormones are secreted and tension in the head decreases. It certainly helps in Migraine Management.

4. Can Ayurvedic treatments help with migraines in India?

Ayurvedic treatments are available in India and have been reported to provide relief for some migraine sufferers. These treatments often include dietary modifications, herbal remedies, yoga, and meditation. Consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized guidance.

5. Are there support groups or resources for migraine sufferers?

Yes, there are many online and in-person support groups, as well as advocacy organizations, dedicated to migraine awareness and support. These can be valuable sources of information and emotional support for those living with migraines.

Your Prakriti and Migraine

Ayurveda believes in 3 doshas: Vata, Pitta, Kapha. When they are balanced, we are happy, hale, hearty. The moment any of them gets imbalanced, we start experiencing physical or mental ailments. What people generally think is Vata is gas, Pitta is digestive fire, Kapha is the mucus coming out from the nose and throat but It is very detail oriented.

All the movements happening in the body are because of Vata/Vayu as the air keeps moving. Food going down from our mouth to the digestive system is because of Vayu. Words flowing out of our mouths are because of Vayu. Reproduction, elimination, every movement happening in the body is regulated by Vayu. The messages flowing from brain to the sense organs and back is controlled by Vayu.

Pitta symbolizes heat in the body. The digestive fire, all the breakdown of molecules, metabolism happen because of Pitta. It also symbolizes the inspirations, ambitions of a person. Kapha denotes the density, all fluids, the stickiness, the viscosity in the body.

One dosha is predominant at every stage of life. Like in childhood, Kapha is predominant. If you look at the skin of children, it is soft, tender because of Kapha. Then comes the young adulthood, say from 16 to 40 years- During this period, Pitta is high in the body, you must have heard people saying, his young blood is boiling. So that’s the natural heat in your body. Vata dominates old age. You see the dry wrinkled skin of people of this age because Vayu is dominant here. There is pain in the body because of Vayu.

When we talk of Migraine, it is majorly because of aggravated Vata and Pitta in the body. And the majority of cases of Migraine will be seen in the age group of 16 to 40 years when Pitta is running high. It is not that Migraine doesn’t hit other age groups. We at Migraine Upkram, have treated as young as 7 yr. an old boy with Migraine and as old as a 70-year-old woman but majority of the cases we get are in middle age.

With Ayurveda, it is easier to bring down the headaches and get it cured once we bring down Vata and Pitta levels in the body. So, it is important to get your Prakriti assessed and then get treatment done for Migraine.

You can reach us to get Prakriti Analysis done.