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Ayurvedic Treatment for Migraine
Best Treatment for Migraine
Once or twice in a month headache is not alarming and if it gets resolved with simple home remedies then you do not need treatment but if headaches keep increasing, the intensity of pain keeps rising then you should pause and look for ayurveda migraine treatment.
Migraine not only badly affects the quality of life of the person suffering from it but it also affects the lives of the family. If your headaches are turning bad day by day and it is making your quality of life worse, then you should get in contact with a doctor at Migraine Upkram.
Migraine Upkram run by Dr Jyoti Gandhi offers best ayurvedic treatment for migraine in India. Her patients say that she is the best doctor for migraine treatment. Her aim is to provide best treatment for migraine in India, by preparing an individualized treatment plan for every patient. First the detailed Prakriti and Vikriti analysis is made through history taking and then the medicines are prepared which makes it the best treatment of migraine.

Get Migraine completely cured with Ayurvedic treatment, lifestyle modification and dietary changes at Migraine Upkram

Best Medicine for Migraine Pain
Just popping up painkillers for headaches is no answer to Migraine. These over-the-counter medicines only lead to more headaches. Medication overuse is a cause of secondary headaches. So, what should a migraine patient do? Ayurvedic migraine medicine here comes to the rescue with its holistic approach of treating as well as preventing migraine attacks.
Ayurveda medicines work on your gut first. There is a relation between gut and Migraine. We have seen many patients who presented with IBS and migraine both which substantiate the fact that gut and brain go hand in hand. There are studies today done after the gut brain axis and many of them show that gastrointestinal symptoms trigger Migraine. Some patients when they have a bad Migraine attack, they prefer to take antacid or eno instead of a painkiller and this helps them. Migraine is just dyspepsia or acidity of the brain. This doesn’t mean antacids are a treatment for migraines. Best medicine for migraine pain would be the one which works on the root cause.
So, if the headaches are frequent and debilitating with no medicines working, you better get up and gear up for the best ayurvedic treatment for migraine.
Our patients who have been cured say that the medicines provided at Migraine Upkram areeasier to use and very less in number. It is an online migraine treatment platform too for thepatients across the country who cannot physically visit. These are natural medicines with noreported side effects. So, this makes it the best migraine treatment. We have been over andagain appreciated for pocket friendly treatment cost, patient care and expert knowledge. Apatient can get online migraine treatment with just a call with the doctor of our team.
Migraine Treatment in Ayurveda
Migraine is termed as Ardhavbhedak in Ayurveda which denotes half sided severe headache. The name itself suggests that it is the stinging pain that the patient experiences as if the head will be ripped apart.
Migraine treatment in Ayurveda works in a different way. Ayurveda believes in 3 doshas: Vata, Pitta, Kapha When they are balanced, we are happy, hale, hearty. The moment any of them gets imbalanced, we start experiencing physical or mental ailments. All the movements happening in the body are because of Vata/Vayu as the air keeps moving. Food going down from our mouth to the digestive system is because of Vayu. Words flowing out of our mouth when we speak, is because of Vayu. Reproduction, elimination, every movement happening in the body is regulated by Vayu. The messages flowing from the brain to the sense organs and back are controlled by Vayu.
Pitta symbolizes heat in the body. The digestive fire, all the breakdown of molecules, metabolism happen because of Pitta. It also symbolizes the inspirations, ambitions of a person. Kapha denotes the density, all fluids, the stickiness, the viscosity in the body. One dosha is predominant at every stage of life. Like in childhood, Kapha is predominant. If you look at the skin of children, it is soft, tender that’s because of Kapha. Then comes the young adulthood, say from 16 to 40 years- During this period, Pitta is high in the body, You must have heard people saying, his young blood is boiling. So that’s the natural heat in your body. Vata dominates old age. You see the dry wrinkled skin of people of this age that is because Vayu is dominant here. There is pain in the body it is because of Vayu.
Migraine majorly is because of aggravated Vatta and Pitta in the body. And the majority of cases of Migraine will be seen in the age group of 16 to 40 years when Pitta is running high. It is not that Migraine doesn’t hit at other age groups. Dr Jyoti Gandhi has treated as young as a 7 year old boy with Migraine but majority of the cases are seen in young and middle age.
So ayurvedic migraine medicine brings down the aggravated Vatta, Pitta in the body and the difficult headaches also can be treated easily. Ayurveda not only cures acute migraine and chronic migraine but the medicines also help in preventing the episodes of Migraine. Slowly and gradually the intensity and frequency of headaches comes down. This makes ayurveda migraine treatment the first choice of patients.
Ayurvedic migraine medicine cures the person holistically. Physical and mental health go hand in hand. Ayurveda migraine treatment takes care of the patients who present with depression too. We have many migraine patients who are being treated for depression, stress, anxiety in addition to the terrible headaches they endure.
So, once you consult our team about your pattern of headache, they may be able to guide you better.