If you are tired of living with the constant pain of Migraine then this is the best clinic for Migraine treatment in India. If you are fed up with taking treatments and have built up a belief that Migraine will stay with you for life, then you have a wrong notion. Migraine is curable and we have been treating all chronic, difficult, bad, devastating headaches.
Migraine Upkram is a first of its kind clinic where chronic and debilitating migraines are treated safely, naturally, holistically with Ayurveda. The Lancet study of 2019 says that more than 213 million people in India suffer from Migraine but only a few percent of people opt for preventive treatment and rest depend on over-the-counter pain medicines. Ayurveda believes in preventing diseases. 60-70% migraines can be avoided with diet and lifestyle modification. Understanding individual triggers and imbalances is very necessary to treat migraine. What triggers your headaches may not be a problem for others. If you are a Vatta Pitta Prakriti person, you are more prone to getting headaches. So, we do a detailed Prakriti analysis of every Migraine patient and offer a personalized treatment according to vitiated dosha which makes it the best treatment for headache.
Learn the science and rationale behind our
unique treatment plan
Safe Ayurvedic Treatment
At Migraine Upkram we use classical ayurvedic medicines for the treatment which
are safe and completely natural.
Virtual Clinic
You do not need to visit the doctor physically. A detailed history is taken over
audio or video call.
Medicines at your doorstep
Medicines will be sent to you each month at your address.
Migraine Tracker with medicines
Our clinic has designed an interesting Migraine Tracker so that you yourself can
keep record of your headaches.
Assessment of your Prakriti
Our doctors are detail oriented as far as it comes to analysing your Prakriti and
only then will the treatment start.
Treated more than 1000 patients
We are proud to say that we have successfully treated more than 1000 patients
from different parts of the country
Personalized treatment plan for each patient
Ayurveda does not believe in one medicine for all. For each patient, we chose the
medicines according to the aggravated dosha.
End to end tracking of episodes of headache
The doctors here are just not concerned with treatment part but they will track
your frequency and intensity of migraine attacks.
Founder of Migraine Upkram
Dr Jyoti Gandhi, an Ayurvedic Physician has founded Migraine Upkram with a mission to treat all sorts of headaches across the country and worldwide. She has vast experience in curing all kinds of headaches like vascular headache, tension headache, headache with vomiting, sinus headache, gastric headache, stress headache, ocular migraine, menstrual migraine, acute and chronic migraine. Her patients say that she is the best doctor for migraine treatment in India. At Migraine Upkram, we focus on diet and lifestyle modification as a core of best treatment for Migraine. We also believe that tracking migraine episodes of a patient is important and it can help reclaim control over chronic migraines. So, we have designed a migraine tracker to track the frequency and intensity of migraine episodes. This helps the patient to understand when the attacks hound over frequently. Dr Gandhi believes making small changes to diet and lifestyle can make significant changes in lifting the burden of headaches from the life of a Migraine patient.
Don’t let migraines hold you back, learn how to reclaim your sense of wellbeing. It is within your reach with the power of Ayurveda.
Miglog Migraine Tracker
a simple, effective and interesting way to keep record of migraine attacks.
It will track your frequency and
intensity of episodes over the months. It is designed by the experts keeping
in mind the user’s busy schedule. All you
have to do is to mark the time when the headache strikes you and when does
it end. It can also help you to take more
control of your headaches and record the frequency of the attacks. Every
month, the doctors from the team will review
your personal MIGLOG and chart it down in their data. The graphs will be
prepared on this data and shared to you
quarterly. It will thus give the doctor and the patient a fair idea how well
you are responding to the medicines.
Be it any place in the country, you can reach out to us and seek advice
Contact us to get more information on how we can help.
Over the last decade, there has been a remarkable increase in number of people adopting
Ayurveda as a line of treatment. According to Ayurveda, Migraine is largely associated with
imbalance of Pitta in the body.
When Pitta aggravates in the body, it dilates blood vessels and
creates pressure on Nervous system leading to Migraine. So, the correct solution lies in ages old
Ayurveda which can treat this debilitating disease from its root cause by balancing Pitta dosha.
For this we have experienced Ayurveda physicians who are known as best doctor for headache
at Migraine Upkram.
is a
Complex Neurological Disorder
affects people irrespective of age,
weight, temperament, personalities.
Men just do not dismiss Migraine as "It is just a simple
Though Migraine occurs more in
Men are sufferers too. 9% of Men suffer from Migraine regularly.
to this
Migraine, in Men is important as they can avoid seeking medical
intervention. Some factors aggravating Migraine in Men
Migraine is an overlooked problem in
children. Headache in children is common and should
be brought to attention. It is
a cause of concern as there can be psychological effects in
children. The worst triggers of Migraine are Cheese and
Chocolates. Needless to say, our children are increasingly
dependent on both these unhealthy foods. Children
present with the symptoms of Migraine which can be other than
Headaches like vomiting, nausea, visual
vertigo. Usually, we have seen that when a child complains of
recurrent headache, his vision is checked but parents
forget to get in touch with a Migraine Expert.
Migraine affects Women
disproportionately at a ratio of 3:1 as compared to general
population. Research Studies say that
the role of hormones especially the oestrogen is at play in
attacks. Therefore, the susception of women to
Migraine increases after Puberty.
Migraine and Menstruation
About 60% of women
Migraine around Menstruation. These headaches may
be less severe but can last for few
Pregnancy and Migraine
Migraine is likely to
during Pregnancy. The levels of hormones during
second and third trimester become stable
which reduces headaches. In very few cases, migraine
can increase during Pregnancy. Pregnancy is a
stage where
you avoid having pain killers and many medicines. But
and lifestyle recommendations can help. Our team
of doctors
offers Management of Migraine with very few medicines
Pregnant Women.
Migraine and Menopause
Migraine attacks should
once the Menstruation stops. But in many cases,
migraine could linger even after Menopause
especially the surgical Menopause. Perimenopause is
again a
very difficult phase for women with Migraine.
The hormonal
roller coaster happening in the body can worsen the
for which you require treatment module.
The patterns of
headaches in a patient can be studied and the triggering factors can be identified.
The general triggers of Migraine are:
Unhealthy Dietary Habits
Inadequate sleep
Skipping meals
Exposure to sound
At Migraine Upkram, the treating Physician will help you identify the triggers by
you a set of questions. You
will then be guided how to refrain from these things till the time medicines start
Generally, the
lasts for 6-9 months. Depending upon the
chronicity of the disease, it may go for 1 year and
beyond but those are very few cases
There is a notion
people that ayurvedic medicines are bitter in
taste but this is not so with our treatment. The
medicines are in the form of small tablets which are very easy to
Headache is the most common cause of man days lost at
work. Migraine is just not a headache but can be accompanied by visual disturbances,
light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, difficulty in thinking and concentrating. This
costs employers in general and economy in particular. Changing the work environment
can help reduce the Migraine Triggers in individuals. So, we are here to organize
Free Webinars on “Prevention of Migraine Triggers at Work Place” if your
organization is interested.
Success Stories
For us, there is almost no big a joy than
to see a Migraine patient recover fully
from the frequent painful episodes and
live freely from the fear of attack. We have been achieving this in many
across the country.
You Can Be the next story too
The person suffering from Migraine for 25 years can never believe that she
will be able to live headache free life. But it happened with Dr Jyoti
Gandhi’s treatment. More than 10 days of a month would go in my very bad
headaches. I started the treatment and within two months my headaches
decreased remarkably. Due to personal reasons, I had to discontinue
treatment for next two months but the headaches weren’t back which I am
happy about and have started the treatment again.
Usha Jhangra
I had Migraine since my childhood. I tried Allopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurvedic
treatment but nothing helped. I would get headaches on every weekend if I
got up late in the morning. I could not travel much because that would give
me headaches. Within 4 months of Dr Jyoti’s treatment, I got cured and has
been 3 years but the headaches are not back.
Samarth Tyagi
I literally consulted 35 doctors for my problems of IBS and Migraine. My
headaches were so intense that I had anger bursts at my personal and
professional front because of it. The treatment here made me cure both my
problems within a short span of time.
Vijay Kumar
When I was asked by Dr Jyoti when do my headaches increase, I told her that I
cannot make out because it affects me almost daily. Hardly goes a single day
when I don’t have headache. She assured me and put me on the treatment and
from the very first month of her treatment I didn’t take any painkiller.
Chitra Kataria
My age is 60 years and was suffering from Migraine for 35 years. Needless to
say, that I tried every possible treatment and remedy that anyone told me.
After seeing success stories of Dr Jyoti’s patients, I consulted her online
and ordered medicines. Earlier every week the episodes lasted for 4-5 days.
I would just lie down for those days and didn’t do work. But within first
month of the treatment, headache would last for 6-7 hours and I never
stopped working. I had never thought I could get cured.
Reema Chauhan
My son was of 12 years when we consulted Dr Jyoti for his bad Migraine. We
consulted best neurologists but nothing seemed to work. My son had stopped
eating solid foods because when he used to chew, his temples would hurt.
After two months of the treatment, he could eat and so did we cook chapati
in the house. Thank you, Dr Jyoti Gandhi.
Amit Bharadwaj
I was suffering from Migraine since past 7 years. More than the headache what
disturbed me was frequent vomiting during the episodes. Treatment here made
me relieve very quickly.
My 15-year-old daughter suffered from migraine for which she was taking
allopathy treatment. The pain did not reduce and all the time she felt
sleepy. I was worried as my daughter is a state level badminton player and
these years are very important for her training. So, I consulted Dr Jyoti
for her treatment. My daughter got better day by day and after 3 months of
treatment she is completely fine.
Treating Migraine Naturally: Migraine treatment without painkillers
July 30, 2024
Treating Migraine is difficult but not impossible. Majority of Migraine patients that we see at our headache clinic in Delhi NCR have been on pain killers for years. Pain killers aren’t a permanent solution to Migraine. Every migraine patient at Migraine Upkram clinic in Faridabad has the same story. In initial days of headache, one painkiller would work. It stopped
A 40-year lady was experiencing severe neck pain from past few years. She has been treated for cervical spondylosis. She underwent multiple physiotherapy sessions. Many muscle relaxants were already prescribed to her. Still the pain would not go. They approached our centre Migraine Upkram because she would often complain of headaches as well. She underwent the treatment for Migraine here
Sinus headache and migraine both are common types of headaches that affects millions of people across the world. It is extremely common for one to be mistaken for other. If it is not properly diagnosed, medicines can worsen the situation. There are studies that show that 90% of people who are diagnosed and treated for sinus headaches are experiencing migraine