Posted on by Dr Jyoti Gandhi
Treating Migraine naturally: Migraine treatment without painkillers
Treating Migraine is difficult but not impossible. Majority of Migraine patients that we see at our headache clinic in Delhi NCR have been on pain killers for years. Pain killers aren’t a permanent solution to Migraine. Every migraine patient at Migraine Upkram clinic in Faridabad has the same story. In initial days of headache, one painkiller would work. It stopped working after some time. Now the headache patient is dependent on a stronger medicine. The dosage of the pain killers keeps increasing. The body is smart enough to learn to rebound the pain mechanism system.
Do natural solutions work for Migraine?
A migraine patient keeps exploring over internet some natural ways to treat headache. The migraine patient has been fed up of popping painkillers. He/she keeps looking for simple hacks to treat migraine. These days a simple hack is doing rounds over social media, to dip legs in warm and cold water. These hacks are just temporary. For a while they may make you feel relaxed but it doesn’t treat you internally.
Applying cold and warm compresses to your head can bring down the headache. Compresses can increase blood circulation, reduce inflammation, slow the pain signals travelling along the nerves. But doing this does not ensure that you will not get a second headache after this. You cannot treat complex headaches with simple remedies. You need ayurvedic medicines for migraine.
What makes Migraine Upkram clinic, the best clinic for headache treatment?
At Migraine Upkram, we treat all sorts of chronic headaches or migraine with ayurvedic treatment. These medicines are natural and completely safe to use. Even chronic migraine patients start responding to the treatment within first three months. The frequency and intensity of the headaches start reducing.
We also keep a track of migraine attacks with a migraine tracker. Migraine tracker is simple to use and patient in an interesting manner can keep a record of headaches. This also in a way helps to identify the triggers. For example, when at our headache clinic, we ask female patients does the headache increase before menstrual cycle, they find it difficult to recall. If they had marked the days of headache on the tracker, we can see if it coincides with menstrual cycle.
A detailed Prakriti analysis is done of the patient with migraine. One size does not fit all is our approach. For example, there are cases when patient has sinus headaches. Sinusitis and migraine go hand in hand. If the prakriti is Kapha in this case of the patient, we need to give Kapha balancing medicines like Sitopladi, Tribhuvan Kirti ras, laxmi vilas ras, pippali, marich, sonth etc. If the prakriti of patient is Pitta, and headaches are due to increased Pitta, a different treatment protocol is decided. Here we use Pitta reducing medicines like Brahmi, Shatavari, Praval pishti.
Should you be dependent on pain killers for migraine treatment?
The answer is a big No
Pain killers just mute the notification of pain flowing in your body. It does not stop pain during attack. You just are not aware of the pain. Once the effect of painkillers starts to wean off, headaches are back. May be now the headaches are more intense and do not respond to the same pain killer.
If you are a Migraine patient, you are told by your doctor that there is no treatment to it. You just have to carry a painkiller in your bag. Each time you get a headache, you take out that pill and gulp down the throat. Painkillers are notorious for causing ulcers, liver injury and kidney injury. What should you do to get out of the headache then. If you are a migraine patient, do not hesitate to approach a doctor of our team. We have been successfully treating migraine patients with ayurvedic treatment.
Painkillers is an occasional treatment for migraine. They can cause rebound headaches. Painkillers can make migraine worse. You should know that painkillers are not treating migraine if your headache is back after the effect of medicine weans off. If your headache is occurring every single day, it is because of the pain killers. You also can get trouble concentrating if you are taking too many painkillers. They can have a bad effect on the memory as well.
Is the treatment safe used at Migraine Upkram clinic-a clinic for treatment of Migraine?
The medicines that we use at Migraine Upkram for treating chronic vascular headache, tension headache, stress headache, are completely safe. Natural herbs like Shatavari, Brahmi, Vasa, Yashtimadhu are used for the treatment of chronic headaches. These medicines not only balance all doshas in the body but also take care of prevention of headaches.
Treating migraine becomes difficult because at all headache clinics, they target pain management. The migraine attacks are been treated at headache clinics. But no one talks about prevention of headaches. The more amount of pain killers you take, the more intense the next headache gets. So, there should be natural, herbal, safe treatment for migraine. This is the only way you can prevent headaches without the side effects of pain killers.
If you are having a migraine attack, you can get a massage done, sleep, hot foot bath but ultimately don’t learn to live with it. Instead of looking for natural solutions for pain, try to treat it with ayurvedic treatment at Migraine upkram for Migraine.
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