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Migraine During Pregnancy in Ayurveda

A migraine patient can experience a very smooth pregnancy without getting headaches throughout. But in some cases, headaches may worsen. The hormonal changes during pregnancy and postpartum period (after delivery) can give rise to bad headaches.
There is usually a trigger that unleashes migraine. One of the common triggers is fluctuating hormone levels. This is why migraine headaches alter during menstrual cycle, pregnancy and post delivery. During the initial months of pregnancy, the hormone levels do not stabilize. Oestrogen levels fall in the first trimester in addition to the increase in blood volume in the first trimester. The increased blood flow causes extra pressure in the blood vessels and nerve endings are compressed. This can give rise to tension in the brain giving headaches.
There are very few cases where a pregnant woman starts experiencing headaches during her pregnancy which she had never experienced before. So, you should start paying attention if:
1. You have a headache for the first time in your pregnancy
2. You have a very severe headache
3. Headache is not resolving with simple medicines
4. You have high blood pressure and headaches
5. You have blurred vision and headache
Does migraine affect the outcome of pregnancy?
Migraine cannot affect the ability to conceive or fertility of a woman. But it can alter the patterns of headache in an individual. Sometimes the headaches can get worse in initial months of pregnancy. It cannot affect the growth of the baby though unless and until the woman with migraine and reflux avoids eating. There are no established studies but there are few cases where it is seen that pregnant women with migraine are more prone to getting pre-eclampsia and miscarriage.
It is important to get control over migraine if you are planning to conceive. We at Migraine Upkram get many cases of Migraine who are planning to conceive because they think this is high time to get it treated. Migraine medicine for pregnancy used at our centre will not affect the outcome of pregnancy.
Migraine Medicine for Pregnancy
Some migraine patients do not experience headaches during pregnancy. While for some, the initial months of pregnancy can worsen their headache episodes. The reflux seen in initial months only triggers headaches further. Usually, doctors advise to stay off the medicines because of pregnancy. This makes the life of Migraine patients during pregnancy very difficult.
So given the condition of pregnancy, very few ayurvedic migraine medicines like Brahmi, Ashwagandha, Shankhpushpi are given and we encourage more of diet lifestyle
changes to be incorporated
15-20 % of women experience tension headaches during pregnancy. So, if you are the one, you should follow these tips:
1. Many medicines when taken during pregnancy pass through the placenta so should
be avoided which makes the choice of migraine medicine for pregnancy limited
Some medicines can be harmful in later months of pregnancy
2. Avoid taking painkillers during pregnancy
3. Try identify the triggers of migraine
4. Migraines worsen during post-partum period i.e., after delivery because of the
hormonal upswing. So, it is important to talk to our expert if you are planning to
conceive and have migraines and we can prepare a migraine management plan for