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Treatment for Menstrual Migraines in Ayurveda
What is Menstrual Migraine
Hormonal fluctuations are a predisposing factor for Migraines. That is why women are more likely to endure migraines than men are. More than half the women with migraine experience a link between periods and headache. Treatment for menstrual migraines is important because the attacks are more severe during periods than they are at other days of the month. Migraine is influenced by menarche, pregnancy, oral contraceptives and menopause. It is marked by severe headaches 2-3 days prior to periods, during periods and in some cases even after. Before menstrual cycles, oestrogen levels fall in the blood which obstruct blood flow to the brain which gives bad headaches.
Tips for menstrual migraines
Firstly, it is important to see if headaches are linked with periods. A simple migraine tracker can help with that. We at Migraine Upkram, use a migraine tracker for patients where the days, frequency and intensity of headaches can be noted. If the headache coincides with the dates of menstrual cycle, you are suffering from hormonal headache. The first line of treatment for menstrual migraines is to take care of diet and lifestyle. Simple tips can be followed which may ease the headaches to some extent.
1. Keep munching on food:
Many women during menstrual cycles avoid food because that may increase stomach pain but for migraine patients skipping meals can be a trigger. Every two hours you have to keep eating.
2. Avoid Stress:
Due to hormonal upswing during menstrual cycles, women experience stress, anxiety, crying spells prior to menstruation. This can again increase the intensity of headaches. So, try to maintain calm and composure. Do simple deep breathing exercises.
3. Avoid Traveling:
Travelling is the biggest trigger of migraine. So, prior to your expected menstrual cycle date, you should avoid travelling.
4. Adequate Sleep:
Do not work till late nights before the onset of menstrual cycles. This can intensify the headaches which are very difficult to manage
5. Contraceptive Pills:
Some women experience ease in pain with contraceptive pills but in the long term they can give rise to severe headaches. So talk to your doctor for how long you can use contraceptives.
Treatment for menstrual migraines
Menstrual migraines are very severe in nature and they can refrain a woman from doing her activities during cycles. Women not only experience bodily changes but psychological changes as well before menstruation. It is important to take care of hormonal imbalance in menstrual migraines. The best way is to give preventive medicines so that headache doesn’t strike, which can be easily dealt with Ayurvedic medicines at Migraine Upkram.
Ayurvedic treatment for menstrual migraines include oral medicines and some panchakarma procedures too. Oral medicines aim to bring down Apaan Vayu in the body. Apaan Vayu is responsible for reproduction and elimination functions of the body. Vatahar medicines like Hingwastak churna, Haritaki, Dashmoolarishta, Dadimadi ghrit are used. Medicines in Ayurveda are not universal, it purely depends on Prakriti and Vikriti of the patient. Other procedures like Basti, Nasya, Yoni Pichu are very safe and effective in regulating menstrual cycles and also in treatment of menstrual headaches.
We also advise a few Yogasanas for menstrual headaches to our patients for example Bhujangasana, Paschimottanasana, Pavan Muktasan because these simple postures regulate Apaan Vayu in the body.