If you are tired of living with the constant pain of Migraine then this is the best clinic for Migraine treatment in India. If you are fed up with taking treatments and have built up a belief that Migraine will stay with you for life, then you have a wrong notion. Migraine is curable and we have been treating all chronic, difficult, bad, devastating headaches.

Migraine Upkram is a first of its kind clinic where chronic and debilitating migraines are treated safely, naturally, holistically with Ayurveda. The Lancet study of 2019 says that more than 213 million people in India suffer from Migraine but only a few percent of people opt for preventive treatment and rest depend on over-the-counter pain medicines. Ayurveda believes in preventing diseases. 60-70% migraines can be avoided with diet and lifestyle modification. Understanding individual triggers and imbalances is very necessary to treat migraine. What triggers your headaches may not be a problem for others. If you are a Vatta Pitta Prakriti person, you are more prone to getting headaches. So, we do a detailed Prakriti analysis of every Migraine patient and offer a personalized treatment according to vitiated dosha which makes it the best treatment for headache.


Learn the science and rationale behind our unique treatment plan
Safe Ayurvedic Treatment

At Migraine Upkram we use classical ayurvedic medicines for the treatment which are safe and completely natural.

Virtual Clinic

You do not need to visit the doctor physically. A detailed history is taken over audio or video call.

Medicines at your doorstep

Medicines will be sent to you each month at your address.

Migraine Tracker with medicines

Our clinic has designed an interesting Migraine Tracker so that you yourself can keep record of your headaches.

Assessment of your Prakriti

Our doctors are detail oriented as far as it comes to analysing your Prakriti and only then will the treatment start.

Treated more than 1000 patients

We are proud to say that we have successfully treated more than 1000 patients from different parts of the country

Personalized treatment plan for each patient

Ayurveda does not believe in one medicine for all. For each patient, we chose the medicines according to the aggravated dosha.

End to end tracking of episodes of headache

The doctors here are just not concerned with treatment part but they will track your frequency and intensity of migraine attacks.

Founder of Migraine Upkram

Dr Jyoti Gandhi, an Ayurvedic Physician has founded Migraine Upkram with a mission to treat all sorts of headaches across the country and worldwide. She has vast experience in curing all kinds of headaches like vascular headache, tension headache, headache with vomiting, sinus headache, gastric headache, stress headache, ocular migraine, menstrual migraine, acute and chronic migraine. Her patients say that she is the best doctor for migraine treatment in India. At Migraine Upkram, we focus on diet and lifestyle modification as a core of best treatment for Migraine. We also believe that tracking migraine episodes of a patient is important and it can help reclaim control over chronic migraines. So, we have designed a migraine tracker to track the frequency and intensity of migraine episodes. This helps the patient to understand when the attacks hound over frequently. Dr Gandhi believes making small changes to diet and lifestyle can make significant changes in lifting the burden of headaches from the life of a Migraine patient.

Don’t let migraines hold you back, learn how to reclaim your sense of wellbeing. It is within your reach with the power of Ayurveda.

Miglog Migraine Tracker

MIGLOG is a simple, effective and interesting way to keep record of migraine attacks. It will track your frequency and intensity of episodes over the months. It is designed by the experts keeping in mind the user’s busy schedule. All you have to do is to mark the time when the headache strikes you and when does it end. It can also help you to take more control of your headaches and record the frequency of the attacks. Every month, the doctors from the team will review your personal MIGLOG and chart it down in their data. The graphs will be prepared on this data and shared to you quarterly. It will thus give the doctor and the patient a fair idea how well you are responding to the medicines. Be it any place in the country, you can reach out to us and seek advice

Contact us to get more information on how we can help.


Ayurveda For Migraine

Over the last decade, there has been a remarkable increase in number of people adopting Ayurveda as a line of treatment. According to Ayurveda, Migraine is largely associated with imbalance of Pitta in the body.

When Pitta aggravates in the body, it dilates blood vessels and creates pressure on Nervous system leading to Migraine. So, the correct solution lies in ages old Ayurveda which can treat this debilitating disease from its root cause by balancing Pitta dosha.

For this we have experienced Ayurveda physicians who are known as best doctor for headache at Migraine Upkram.

is a Complex Neurological Disorder

Migraine affects people irrespective of age, weight, temperament, personalities.


The patterns of headaches in a patient can be studied and the triggering factors can be identified. The general triggers of Migraine are:

Unhealthy Dietary Habits

Inadequate sleep



Skipping meals

Exposure to sound

At Migraine Upkram, the treating Physician will help you identify the triggers by asking you a set of questions. You will then be guided how to refrain from these things till the time medicines start working.

Get Every Single Answers here.

Generally, the treatment lasts for 6-9 months. Depending upon the chronicity of the disease, it may go for 1 year and beyond but those are very few cases

There is a notion amongst people that ayurvedic medicines are bitter in taste but this is not so with our treatment. The medicines are in the form of small tablets which are very easy to take

We give only two doses to be taken once in morning and the other in evening

We have been treating hundreds of Migraine cases but no side effects have been reported so far.

There has been no relapse of the headaches in 98% of the cases treatment. The patients we treat are being followed up for more than 4 years now.

The medicines will be chosen based on your Prakriti and history, so it will not happen that medicines do not suit you.

1 Month Treatment Plan for Migraine


  • 20-minute Video consultation with the doctor
  • Root cause diagnosis
  • Identifying Triggers of your Headaches
  • Personalized treatment plan
  • Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations
  • 1-month medicines (Shipping charges included)
  • 2 free audio consultations with the doctor in the month
  • India’s first very interesting Migraine Tracker (Miglog)
  • Tracking of every episode of Migraine
  • Sharing with you the detailed treatment response graphs

Corporate Plan

A Workplace Migraine Intervention Program

Headache is the most common cause of man days lost at work. Migraine is just not a headache but can be accompanied by visual disturbances, light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, difficulty in thinking and concentrating. This costs employers in general and economy in particular. Changing the work environment can help reduce the Migraine Triggers in individuals. So, we are here to organize Free Webinars on “Prevention of Migraine Triggers at Work Place” if your organization is interested.


Success Stories

For us, there is almost no big a joy than to see a Migraine patient recover fully from the frequent painful episodes and live freely from the fear of attack. We have been achieving this in many patients across the country.

You Can Be the next story too


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Sinus Headache

Are Sinus Headache and Migraine Linked?

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